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Cabinet Making

Catering & Chefs
DIY / Woodworking
Dog Grooming
Household Use
Horse Grooming
Meat Processing
Veterinary Sharpening
Woodworking / DIY

Your Trade  or Hobby DMT® Products

Aligner™ Kits
Bench Whetstones
Burr Doctor®
Chainsaw Files
Clipper Blade Sharpening
Credit Card Sharpeners
Crystal Saver®
Diafold® Sharpeners
Diafold® Magna-Guide™
Diamond Steels™
Diamond Wave™
Diamond Bench Whetstones™
Dia-Sharp® Bench Whetstones
Dia-Sharp® Credit Cards
Dia-Sharp® Mini-Hone®
Dia-Sharp® Paste™
Dia-Sharp® Range (Complete)
DuoSharp® Plus
DuoBase™ for DuoSharp®
DuoBase for 6” Whetstones
Diafold® Whetstones
Diafold® Flat Files
Guided Knife Sharpening
Honing Cones & Wave™
Hook & Knife Sharpeners
Pocket Whetstones
Serrated Knife Sharpeners
Ski & Snowboard Sharpeners

StarkieSharp Accessories,  Honing and Sharpening Kits

Carrying Cases
Honing Kits
Honing Paste/Starkie Blue
Honing Leather
Leather Sheaths
Magnifier 8x
Sharpening Kits

King Arthur’s Tools  Chainsaw Discs, Holey Galahads & Merlin2

Chainsaw Discs
Holey Galahads

StarkieSharp Home StarkieSharp Home StarkieSharp

DMT® Diamond Sharpening Specialists with 40+ years experience

We recommend and sell only DMT® Diamond Sharpening Products because  no other manufacturer has ever matched their quality, precision or longevity. StarkieSharp Home
KATS Chainsaw Disks KATS Chainsaw Disks KATS Chainsaw Disks Holey Galahad - Round Coarse Blue About StarkieSharp & why you should buy from us...

Richard Starkie has been closely involved with marketing DMT® products for well over 40 years and he can help you choose the right product to suit your needs. In that time he’s met and discussed sharpening with thousands of people involved in all the trades and hobbies listed down the side of our web pages. He’s staffed hundreds of shows in the UK, over much of Europe and for DMT® even as far away as New Zealand where he once went to train the importer’s staff at a show. He can offer you support and service and has a pretty shrewd idea what is best or most economical for you and your trade or hobby.
Here you’ll find value added deals to suit your pocket and probably most important, knowledge...to make sure you buy the right product first time!

Diamond Sharpening used to be simple because you had little choice... and that choice was a couple of American manufacturers. Back then you couldn’t go badly wrong - but you can now!

As thousands of you would testify who’ve been caught out by buying “cheap” Diamond Whetstones, which have worn out rather quickly, you’ve poured money down the drain!  In some cases it might even have put you off Diamond Sharpening for ever!

Experienced and accomplished cabinet makers, carpenters and joiners, who’ve seen the light, have no doubt that you just can’t go wrong when you invest in a DMT® Diamond Whetstone™. They know that DMT® are simply right at the top of the tree and their quality, precision, performance and longevity just isn’t matched by any other manufacturer.

What’s more, at StarkieSharp we offer you not only a 100% No Risk Money Back Guarantee but a price match guarantee too, so when you buy from us you know you can’t go wrong. You’ve got sound advice gained from long experience meeting thousands of these knowledgeable people at hundreds of shows. In short we know what we’re talking about!

Our Price Match Guarantee.
If before you’ve bought from us or having bought from us you can show us a current better price for an equivalent DMT® product from stock in the UK (including valid VAT at the current rate) in the next 24 hours, we will match that price and when you buy from us we will give you double the difference in a DMT® product of your choice (possibly with an additional payment if the product is more) or double the difference in a BeeProtX® Barrier Cream product of your choice!

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Contact Us

Richard Starkie Associates
Timber Cottage

Tel/Fax: 0116 259 2022

Email: sales@starkies.com

Call Free: 0800 027 0208 Mobile: 07768 39 22 20  (As we are very often away at shows and it is difficult to talk when with customers or driving, I would appreciate your sending a text message with brief details of your subject and I’ll call you back.)

We are available to help you choose wisely and not just to sell you something you may not need!